Donate to OperaSLO
Like most opera companies in the United States, Opera San Luis Obispo depends on outside support for continued growth and success. Even with a sold-out house, ticket sales only recoup about 50% of the costs behind producing.
Producing opera and musical theatre at grand scale is an intensive collaborative venture with many local arts organizations. When you make a gift to OperaSLO, your contribution helps many other forms of classical performing arts in San Luis Obispo County! Opera is the crossroads in classical music where all arts converge for this special genre of entertainment: orchestra, ballet, chorus, soloists, acting, and the design arts of lighting, costume, makeup, props and set. Where grand opera exists, classical arts thrive! Our CityWide Arts Collaboration formula weaves the talents of other large arts organization into our full productions so that everyone wins with opera.
Your gift - no matter how large or small - will go directly toward the programs that make Opera San Luis Obispo the artistic organization you've come to respect and appreciate.
Thank you in advance for your continued support of Opera San Luis Obispo. Opera San Luis Obispo is a non-profit organization with 501(c)(3) tax status. All donations are tax deductible.